Watch Voltron: The Third Dimension Online
Voltron: The Third Dimension is an American computer-animated television series, done in the same animation style as Beast Wars: Transformers and Reboot. It departed from the original Lion Voltron's animated look, as well as some character changes, such as the physical appearance of Prince Lotor. It served as a sequel to the Lion Voltron series, set three years after the end of that program, and among the tools used to bridge the gap was an official starmap as designed by writer Shannon Muir, and finalized in partnership with World Events Productions. The show was animated by Mike Young Productions. The show won a 1999 Daytime Emmy for Outstanding Sound Editing - Special Class Rick Hinson, Elizabeth Hinson. Legal issues occurred when WEP tried to make a new series. Neil Ross, Michael Bell and B.J. Ward reprised their roles as Keith, Lance and Princess Alura for the series. Read More
Watch Voltron: The Third Dimension online. Featuring Billy West and B. J. Ward, Voltron: The Third Dimension has 2 seasons and 26 episodes in total. It is available for streaming online in the UK It is classified as Animation genre series and the average rating across the web is 6.7. The TV series was first aired on 1998. Read Less