Watch The Slim Shady Show Online
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The Slim Shady Show is an animated television series created by American rapper Eminem. Each episode is approximately five minutes in length. The shorts focus on the fictional adventures of Marshall Mathers' alter-egos Slim Shady, Eminem, Ken Kaniff and himself. The shorts were directed by Mark Brooks and Peter Gilstrap. Most of the characters in the shorts were voiced by Eminem himself, with other contributions from the directors, including Paul Rosenberg and Xzibit. Due to the explicit nature of the shorts, the DVD release received a BBFC classification of 18 in the UK and an OFLC classification of MA15+ in Australia. The animation used in the shorts is similar to the cartoon segment in the music video for Eminem's song Role Model. Read More
Watch The Slim Shady Show online. Featuring Eminem, The Slim Shady Show has 1 seasons and 10 episodes in total. It is available for streaming online in the UK It is classified as Animation and Comedy genre series and the average rating across the web is 7.2. The TV series was first aired on NaN. Read Less