Watch 竜世紀 Online
Dragon Century is a Japanese 2-episode OVA anime series that was created by Ryuukihei and produced and animated by the Anime International Company. The plot takes place in Hokkaido in 1990, where a series of murders take place and dragons suddenly begin appearing in the skies. The Japanese SDF begins shooting the dragons out of the sky, holding them responsible for the murders. Following that, a troubled young girl named Riko is suddenly entrusted with the care of a hatchling dragon, hoping to raise him for destruction, but soon learns there is more to the dragons than she first learned. It was originally released on laserdisc in Japan in 1988 and then it was eventually subtitled in English by: U.S. Renditions and released in VHS format in the United States/Canada in 1996. No official anime was made after the OVA, and there were only 2 episodes released overall. The opening and ending theme was performed by Jpop singer Midori Karashima. Read More
Watch 竜世紀 online. Featuring Toshihiko Seki and Yoshino Takamori, 竜世紀 has 1 seasons and 2 episodes in total. It is available for streaming online in the UK It is classified as Animation genre series and the average rating across the web is 0. The TV series was filmed in Japan and was first aired on 1988. Read Less