Watch Muromachi Burai (2025) Online
Set in war-torn 15th century Kyoto, on the eve of the Onin War, the movie centers on a band of outlaws led by Hyoe (Oizumi) a scoundrel whose lethal sword skills place him at the tip of the spear in a deadly uprising against the corrupt Shogunate and its army, led by former friend-turned-archrival, Doken (Tsutsumi). Read More
Watch Muromachi Burai online. Featuring Yo Oizumi and Kento Nagao, Muromachi Burai is classified as Action and Drama genre movie with an average rating across the web of 0. It is available for streaming online in the UK The movie was released on 2025. Muromachi Burai was directed by Yu Irie. Read Less